“I would highly recommend Dr. Agnew. I had been suffering for years. At my consultation Dr. Agnew took the fear out of the whole process for me. His calming, confident and... professional manner along with his reassurance that he could complete the surgery successfully gave me the confidence to proceed. Since having the procedure, I am 100% better and have seen a huge improvement in my quality of life. Thank you so much Dr. Agnew.” - Mary 2022

“I am a 69 year old who suffered with the discomfort of a vaginal prolapse for six years. My G.P recommended Dr. Agnew and advised me to watch Dr. Agnews’ Youtube video... on prolapse. I found this extremely helpful in explaining what was happening to me and the process of addressing the problem. Personally, I found Dr. Agnew was open, encouraging and empathetic at my appointment. His care and attention was second to none. I am now three months after a Vaginal Hysterectomy and Vaginal Repair for prolapse. My operation has been a wonderful success and my quality of life has improved so much. Thank you Dr. Agnew.” - Eileen 2022

“I had been suffering from incontinence since my first child was born 18 years ago - I learned to live with it, although it severely restricted my movements but over the past... few years, it got to the stage where I couldn’t cope anymore - I couldn’t exercise as a brisk walk would cause severe leakage. I was always conscious of knowing how far away from a toilet I was at any given time and always had a supply of incontinence pads to hand. I discussed it with my GP at a visit and she referred me to Dr. Agnew. From the outset, Dr. Agnew and his team were so friendly and made me feel very comfortable. It’s not an easy topic to discuss - possibly one of the reasons I put up with it for so long - but Dr. Agnew made me feel very relaxed and I soon became comfortable talking to him and explained to him how my symptoms were severely impacting my quality of life. Dr. Agnew explained the procedures to me in full and assured me that he would “get me right” again - and he was true to his word! I had surgery in St. Vincent’s as an in-patient and a further day procedure and I cannot believe the improvement. I’ve gone from having severe leakage to barely any at all - I can exercise & move freely without constantly worrying about leakage. The difference to my quality of life is truly amazing - it is life changing! I’m so happy with the results and would recommend Dr. Agnew and his amazing team to anyone who is in my situation!.”

“I was fortunate to be referred to Dr. Gerry Agnew for prolapse surgery in October 2021. A wonderful doctor, explained everything clearly and a lovely pleasant bed side manner.... I have no hesitation in recommending him to any lady requiring Gynae care. I am a new woman since my surgery.”
- Máire

“I recently received treatment from Dr. Gerry Agnew to treat stress incontinence. Dr. Agnew performed the bulkamid. I received two treatments, as the first time it... did not work, which Dr. Agnew did mention on the outset, this can happen some patients. I went back again a few months later, and a huge difference. I can honestly say it improved by approximately 60-70%, which was worth going back a second time. The success rate varies for each patient. I would highly recommend trying this treatment, and sorry I did not get it done sooner. Dr. Agnew is extremely professional, friendly and explains everything with great detail, and puts you at ease. Also, his team at his practise were lovely to deal with and very helpful. Thank you.” - Melissa 2022

“Becoming a mum brings compromise, however, there are some that are a step too far. Having shared my new experiences of leakage, sex and bowel issues after giving birth..., others told me it was “all part of becoming a mother”. Unable to accept this, I attended months of physio sessions, bought devices, pads, special underwear the works. I knew where every bathroom was, crossed my legs before sneezing or laughing, stopped running and chose short walks ‘just in case’. It wasn’t until Dr. Agnew took on my case and offered me the surgery that I felt like me again. I spent four days in hospital and over six weeks recovering. I had the bulking surgery a year later and within hours was jumping in the hospital checking out the effects… N O T A D R O P!!! I can physically feel how much tighter everything is, never have to worry about lifting my children or having a stash of underwear and clothes in the car. We both chose to have children to enrich and enhance our lives… just not at the expense of curtailing mine. It was Dr. Agnew who gave me my freedom and confidence back and I will be forever grateful.”

“From my very first appointment with Dr. Agnew I was reassured about the treatment options that were available to me to address my stress urinary incontinence which had been... impacting hugely on my quality of life for the previous 5 years since having my first child.
It was such a relief for me to know that there was something that could be done to improve my symptoms. I am delighted with the improvements I have had from surgery and the bulking agent. I have returned to regular exercising which I had really missed and am enjoying being able to keep up with my 2 young children.”
- Joan